Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Childhood Obesity A Developing Problem - 1197 Words

Obesity in America is a developing problem, and not just in adults. Today, one in three American children and teens are either overweight or obese; almost triple the rate previously in 1963. Child obesity has expeditiously become one of the most genuine health challenges of the 21st century (â€Å"10 Surprising Facts About Childhood Obesity†). Physical inactivity, race, junk food in schools, the mass media, and the child’s parents flaws are all factors that have resulted in the prevalence of childhood obesity today. It is important for people to recognize the causes of childhood obesity. Physical inactivity is one of the major contributors to obesity in children. Therefore, physical inactivity is the primary cause of childhood obesity. â€Å"The CDC reports that high school students’ daily participation in physical education has declined 30% in the past decade. For example, in 2005, only 45% of ninth grade and 22% of twelfth grade students attended daily physica l education classes† (â€Å"Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a Natural Epidemic†). Such constrained physical action during school and afterwards contribute to weight gain. Children should not avoid their physical health and should participate in daily physical activity to prevent obesity. In addition to physical education in schools, children’s attitude towards physical activity must change in order to reduce the percentages of childhood obesity. Research has shown that physical training classes would not beShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Obesity On Children Health1139 Words   |  5 PagesEffects of Obesity on Children Health Obesity is a serious medical and psychological condition that affects children, adult, and elderly people. According to WHO, People who are above the normal weight for their age and height are called obese. Childhood obesity has been problem in developed as well as in developing countries. As Cause, it is accepted that increase in obesity results from an imbalance between abnormal intake of unhealthy food and drink and also unable to burn calorie. There is increasingRead MoreChildhood Obesity And Its Effects On America1394 Words   |  6 PagesHave you ever wondered what are the major causes of obesity? The CDC (2017) states that one out of every five children in the U.S. are overweight or obese, and this number is continuing to rise. Wilson (2016) states that many children who are obese develop health complications, such as joint, gallbladder, and sleeping problems. The majority of children who are obese as kids tend to be obese as adults. Reason being, many children develop bad ea ting habits by learning from their surroundings. WhenRead MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1334 Words   |  6 PagesHealth Factors Related to Obesity in Adolescence Childhood obesity is a worldwide epidemic that has increased dramatically over the past few years. There are many reasons this could be and research shows that as cultures are developing kids are spending more time indoors than being active outside. Technology is becoming so advanced that people are now able to play sports right from the comfort of his or her living room couch. Although these technological advancements are quite outstanding and hasRead MoreThe Obesity Epidemic Of Children1437 Words   |  6 Pageslink to obese children The obesity epidemic holds the responsibility to annihilate many of the health benefits that have contributed to the increased durability recognised in the world today. In 2014, approximately 41 million children under 5 years of age were affected by overweight or obesity. Today, progress in extinguishing childhood obesity has been gradual and conflicting. A greater number of children are, even from before birth, on the brink to developing obesity. Children who are not yet atRead MorePolicy Priority Issue : The Childhood Obesity Essay1614 Words   |  7 PagesPolicy priority issue: The childhood obesity Childhood obesity is one of the major public health challenges of the 21st century. The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally. In 2013, the number of overweight children under the age of five was estimated over 42 million. Childhood obesity can cause premature death and disability in adulthood. Overweight and obese children will grow up to become obese adults and are more likely to develop diseases like cardiovascular diseases and diabetes at aRead MoreThe Importance Of Parental Involvement On Childhood Obesity1342 Words   |  6 PagesPreventing Childhood Obesity Childhood obesity is directly linked with a child’s nutritional intake and the amount of their physical activity. In the current literature, the researchers has analyzed and studied how parental influence affect their children in the development of childhood obesity as well as, in its prevention. Effective interventions such as promoting healthy eating and physical activity are habits that can develop at home. Parents are the first liner in prevention of childhood obesityRead MoreInferential Statistics Essay560 Words   |  3 PagesThis study will focus on the issue of obesity among people. Obesity is one of the prominent issues that the society is facing due to the insufficient information that people have regarding the amount of food intake as well as how people ought to balance their diet. It seems that the problem of obesity is not only experienced in one country but in different countries and this does not only choose certain gender and age but a person who suffers ob esity could be an adult or a child, female or male. Read MoreObesity : Obesity And Obesity1637 Words   |  7 Pagesincrease in rates of childhood and adolescent obesity, the health impacts this can have on a child immediately and in the future, and what are the contributing factors to this increase in obese youths. A possible contributing factor is food advertisements that contain poor-nutrient food and are targeted at children. Children and adolescents are constantly exposed to various advertisements on a daily basis. Many studies have suggested that there would be an overall reduction in obesity and overweight ratesRead MoreBusiness Proposal From Unite Against Obesity: A Nonprofit Organization for Prevention of Pediatric Obesity1705 Words   |  7 PagesAgainst Obesity: A Nonprofit Organization for Prevention of Pediatric Obesity. A Proposal 2. Letter/Memo of Transmittal MEMORANDUM To: Recipients name and title From: Unite Against Obesity Date: Date you turn in your report Subject: Report name The childhood obesity issue has become so prominent that First Lady Obama has adopted childhood obesity as her pet project and has sworn to end it within a generation (USA Today. (2/9/2010). To that end and to assist her, Unite against Obesity, recognizingRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Childhood Obesity1510 Words   |  7 PagesIan Duffy Nature v. Nurture in Childhood Adiposity The nature versus nurture debate is one of the most longstanding arguments in the history of psychology and it aims to determine what has greater influence on personal development; one’s genes and inherited qualities compared to one’s environment. This debate is especially interesting in the study of childhood obesity. Childhood obesity is growing at an alarming rate in most developed countries throughout the world and it cannot be understated

Monday, December 16, 2019

An insight into boredom, the cause and the cure for the state of mind called boredom Free Essays

The Dictionary describes bored as â€Å"as dull, tedious, and lacking stimuli†. There is an inherent anxiety in boredom; people will expend considerable effort to prevent or remedy it, yet in many circumstances it is accepted as an inevitable suffering to be endured. A common way to escape boredom is through creative thoughts or ‘daydreaming’ yet I define Boredom as a lack of entertainment or a stimulant. We will write a custom essay sample on An insight into boredom, the cause and the cure for the state of mind called boredom or any similar topic only for you Order Now School students can very easily get bored in the summer holidays because of a lack of change in the activates what they do in their day to day life. Everyone becomes bored at least once in their life. Boredom is a condition characterized by perception of one’s environment in their life. In the newspaper lately their have been reports on teenagers being bored in the summer holidays. And it is the local government getting the blame for closing down public swimming pools and under funding them. The result off this is anti social behaviour i.e. vandalism petty theft and more anti social behaviour. There are many ways in which to tackle boredom. Getting a paper round is a good idea because it gets you up and out of the house, you can also earn money from it also possessions can be bought to prevent future boredom. But the downside to having a paper round is that you have to do it and it might cut into fun stuff. Joining a youth group is a good idea because there are normally new people every time you go. Buying a new computer game is useful force to tackle boredom and it can be very expensive, and you have to have the console to play it on in the first place. To stop this dreaded lack of entertainment you should try, not to do something all the time but rather go out to meet new people. This could be the people you would normally hang around with but maybe you could choose different people to hang around with. I find going to the park every day and just hanging about very boring. Some people get drunk to avoid boredom. Although this can make things funny and interesting, it is not a very good idea and can cause trouble as well it does damage to your body mostly your liver. Boredom we will all get it at least once in our life time but it is very easy to stop being bored, just go out there and find some thing to cure it. It is very simple to avoid but it is just as easy to fall into the trap of boredom. I hope that this essay has given you an insight into boredom the cause and the cure for the state of mind called boredom. How to cite An insight into boredom, the cause and the cure for the state of mind called boredom, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Human Rights Abuses on the Mexican Border Essay Example For Students

Human Rights Abuses on the Mexican Border Essay Human Rights Abuse on the US-Mexican Border Between 1993-97 there was a 72% increase in funds provided to the Immigration and Naturalization Services. The INS has a mobile uniformed division responsible for policing the US-Mexican border called Border Patrol. With such a dramatic increase in just four years it is obvious that the border area is a pressing concern to the US government. The Border Patrol conducts inspections of travelers, regulates permanent and temporary immigration into the United States and maintains control of the US borders, which amount to 8,000 miles. They also identify and remove persons who have no lawful immigration status in the United States. The border patrol works hand-in-hand with the INS to ensure that immigration policies are followed under United States law. There is an estimated 7,000 Border Patrol agents, all are armed and have the power to stop and inspect whoever they please. The agents are continuously questioned on their conduct in how they perform their job. The majority of the questions come from human rights activists. These agents are enforcing US law on individuals attempting to enter the country but are the human rights of these individuals being violated? The topic of human rights is a major issue on the border and there is growing evidence to support the fact that human rights are being abused. In this paper I will identify the causes of human rights abuse in border areas, prove with individual and statistical testimony that human rights are being abused on the US-Mexican border, and present some efforts and policies for the promotion of human rights by both Mexico and the United States. Since the introduction of NAFTA the changes in immigration laws have put tremendous pressures on the INS and Border Patrol. This created more of a chaotic scene across the border and policing tactics had to accommodate with the new regulations. There was more travel for laborers who resided in Mexican territory yet worked daily in the US. With the excessive passing over the border comes more illegal immigration. Tremendous pressure is put on the Border Patrol to prevent the illegal immigrants from successfully coming to the United States. The Human Development Report states the definition of human rights, as the rights possessed by all persons, by virtue of their common humanity, to live a life of freedom and dignity. They give all people moral claims in the behavior of individuals and the design of social arrangements and are universal, inalienable and indivisible. Human rights express our deepest commitments to ensuring that all persons are secure in their enjoyment of the goods and freedoms that are necessary for dignified living. Human rights belong to all people, and all people have equal status with respect to these rights (UNDP 2000). With human rights is the right to freedom. -Freedom from discrimination in any form under any circumstance -Freedom from fear, such as threats to personal security, torture, arbitrary arrest, and other violent acts -Freedom from injustice and violations of the law and the freedom of thought and speech and to participate in decision-making and form associations These are individual freedoms that are granted to every human being. They are not arguable and are not outranked in power. Obviously human rights are not priority in every country in the world but many countries strive to achieve the goal of completely equal human rights. Many factors play a part as to the success of human rights. A democracy for instance, has four defining features based in human rights: holding of free and fair elections contributes to the fulfillment of the right to political participation; allowing free and independent media contributes to fulfillment of the right to freedom of expression, thought and conscience; separating powers among branches of government helps to protect citizens from abuses of their civil and political rights; and encouraging an open civil society contributes to fulfillment of the right to peaceful assembly and association (UNDP 2000). This would suggest societies who function under a democracy will rank higher on the Human Development Index (HDI). Human development and human rights share a common vision and a common purpose, to secure the freedom, well being , and dignity of all people .

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Japanese taste culture Essay Example

Japanese taste culture Essay It is well known that sushi is very popular Japanese food in the world. In the past, sushi is an exotic and expensive food served at luxurious hotels and high class restaurants in Hong Kong. It seems a kind of class reflection. However, sushi starts to localize the taste to fit local customers. It becomes more popular than the past. Many sushi bars and restaurants offer affordable prices as localization nowadays. So, it is interesting to take a deep look into the taste and localization aspects towards Japanese taste culture. This paper examines the growth of a sushi culture in Hong Kong from historical aspect. It discusses the history of sushi and the reasons for its popularity in Hong Kong. Also, it examines the making of the sushi culture and industry and looks into different aspects of taste and localization. By identifying the characteristics of the sushi culture in Hong Kong and locating sushi in the context of globalization of Japanese popular culture. It aims to deepen our understanding of the mechanism of taste and Japanese popular culture. In Hong Kong, many people start to run sushi restaurants with inexpensive price. They also localized the taste and prices. Hong Kong is advanced in terms of localization of Japanese sushi such as the kaiten sushi (revolving sushi on a conveyor belt) restaurants and take-away sushi outlets. Hong Kong is leading this sushi boom and sushi is making its way in peoples daily diet. It is a kind of Japanese popular culture and consumer culture. LITERATURE REVIEW METHODOLOGY HISTORY OF SUSHI source Sushi is a typical Japanese food with over a thousand years of history and tradition. We will write a custom essay sample on Japanese taste culture specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Japanese taste culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Japanese taste culture specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer It has become the most visible example of Japanese cuisine in other countries. Sushi is the combination of raw fish and seasoned rice. It seems so exotic to foreigners, is a supremely logical food in Japan. Sushi is the combination of raw fish and seasoned rice that seems so exotic to foreigners. It is a supremely logical food in Japan. Sushi began one century ago in Japan as a method of preserving source fish. It is told that the origins of sushi came form countries of Southeastern Asia. Cleaned, raw fish were pressed between layers of salt and weighted with a stone. After a few weeks, the stone was removed and replaced with a light cover, and a few months after that, the fermented fish and rice were considered ready to eat. Some restaurants in Tokyo still serve this original style of sushi, called narezushi made with freshwater carp. Its flavor is so strong that it obscures the fishs identity altogether, and narezushi is something of an acquired taste. Sushi is perhaps Japans best-known contribution to world cuisine. Although sushi seems like a simple food, sushi preparation is actually a highly developed discipline. The choicest, tender morsels of fresh raw fish are artfully arranged on individual fingers of vinegary rice by a skilled chef, and then placed on a gleaming cypress counter in front of the eagerly waiting customer a few seconds later. Absolute freshness of the fish is the all-important factor for good sushi. How about the original prestige of sushi in Japan? Nowadays, the number of Japanese restaurants grew dramatically. The number of Japanese restaurants is more than a hundred source in Hong Kong. Most of them are located in business and shopping districts such as Mongkok, TsimShaShui. Sushi seems a must in the menu of all Japanese restaurants. Hong Kong people become the main consumers of sushi. The sushi business is booming and has continued to expand in the market. The expansion of the Japanese community and the impressive economic growth in Hong Kong has helped increase the popularity of Japanese cuisine. Also, many Japanese expatriates are culturally exclusive and want to maintain the Japanese way of life in Hong Kong. So, Japanese cultural such as restaurants, supermarkets and shops have increased. transition Hong Kong is one of the fastest growing and most vibrant economies in Asia. People have more money to spend on good foods and dining out has become very common. It also calls food paradise where residents and tourists can taste different types of foreign foods. Hong Kong is a multi- racial place so that we can enjoy various cuisines such as Malay, Indian, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Indonesian and Peranakan. As a result, Hong Kong becomes an attractive place for investment in the food business for the above reasons. Hence, Hong Kong people have interested in running Japanese restaurants. Nowadays, sushi has become quite popular among young people who have strong consuming power and high adaptability. WHY SUSHI IS SO POPULAR IN HONG KONG? Localization is an important reason in the sushi culture. Sushi has been transformed from an exclusive and exotic Japanese food into an affordable and localized Japanese food. In addition, the flavor and content of sushi have been altered to accommodate the local taste in Hong Kong. Exotic appeal is another factor of success. Sushi has been localized enough to suit the local taste, but not too much to undermine its exotic appeal. But sushi is still Japanese. Young people think it is fashionable to eat sushi. Eating sushi seems more fashionable and not traditional for them. Sushi is more than a food or a commercial product, it also has cultural and national meanings. Eating sushi itself can be a cultural encounter. People are impressed by many things they experience in a sushi restaurant, including the display of plastic sushi in the window, the use of beautiful Japanese utensils, the Japanese greetings and hospitality, the conveyer belt and the colors and the taste of sushi. As a result, eating sushi is not only can make Hong Kong people feel Japanese, but also international. The status of Hong Kong is an international city with a multi-racial and multi-cultural society. Sushi can be seen as a form of Japanese popular culture. The boom of Japanese popular culture in Hong Kong boosted the consumption of sushi. Nowadays, sushi is a must in high tea, buffet and reception parties in hotels and luxurious restaurants. Sushi is not only a food and a business, but also a tradition. Some people see globalization as generating increasing homogeneity, while others see it producing diversity and heterogeneity through increased hybridization. Globalization and define its causes and effects especially in relation to environmental and cultural development. Globalization as a highly complex, contradictory, and thus ambiguous set of institutions and social relations, as well as involving flows of goods, services, ideas, technologies, cultural forms, and people (Appadurai 1996). Globalization means different things to different people. Some say it is the movement of people, language, ideas, and products around the world. Others see it as the dominance of multinational corporations and the destruction of cultural identities.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Getting 10x Results From Your Content With Garrett Moon Of CoSchedule

Getting 10x Results From Your Content With Garrett Moon Of Content marketing is a highly competitive space. Every single day, nearly 60 million blog posts are published and five billion YouTube videos are watched. Are you always trying to edge out search results to be on top? Discover how to reframe your mindset when it comes to content marketing. Today, we’re talking to Garrett Moon, CEO, about how to handle such competition when it comes to content marketing and his new book, 10X Marketing Formula: Your Blueprint for Creating Competition-Free Content That Stands Out and Gets Results. Marketers are responsible for bringing in leads, sales, people big tasks to support core business metrics. Garrett’s book describes taking the formula, process, tips and tricks, and things that work and don’t for and making them available to anybody to use and implement in their business and marketing process. Gartner’s Hype Cycle: How new technology is adopted. When content marketing took shape a few years back, all of a sudden, everyone is adopting it and reworking their marketing teams, creating content, doing blogging, building email lists, and other tasks. Content marketing made a lot of promises to us. Now, Garrett believes we are entering the trough of disillusionment. We adopted content marketing, but what about those big promises that were made? What about the results? Why are you not getting the results your were promised? How do marketing teams provide business value? Content marketing need to be reinvented. Garrett describes the copy cat epidemic in marketing. There is so much free content online where pieces of strategies, tactics, and other items are copied and pasted. However, it does not create an entire picture or blueprint. The goal is to create a framework from start to finish process on how to find something unique to your business that only you can do and be successful with. Something that stands out and gets results. Creating Competition-Free Content: Not only your business and products is in competition, but your marketing is in competition with other marketing. Find a way to break past that barrier created by competitors. The book, Blue Ocean Strategy, refers to the Bloody Red Ocean, which is full of competition and where businesses are fighting each other to stand out they’re at war with each other. However, the Blue Ocean is wide-open and uncontested. Your free to swim around and move about because you have successfully been able to differentiate yourself from the competition. To differentiate your content marketing, focus on your topics, how you create content, and how to connect that content and share it with your customers. 10X reference: look at what you are doing and ask if what you are doing will help your team multiply results, including increasing sales leads and the number of visitors to your Website. Marketing teams needs to focus on 10x growth rather than increments of 10 percent improvements. Marketing teams are designed to produce results, not worry about risks. Agile Manifesto: focuses on how software development could be better. A powerful way to cause engineers to rethink and reframe what they’re doing. 10X Manifesto: focuses on how so much of marketing is about mindset when it comes to how we do and approach things. Results or Die: 10X marketers work in a results or die oriented business, not 10 percenters allowed. Many think of marketing as a process for things they do marketing is the blog, social media channels, conference booth, etc. There’s all these deliverables that a marketing team creates and hands off to others, such as the sales and support teams. Marketers are not here to produce Web ads or build a Website. They’re here to help produce business results and help grow companies. 10X marketers understand that growth requires failure, strength is in progress, not perfection. Teams that embrace failure (fail fast) understand that it is not about failure but acknowledging imperfection. Marketing comes with assumptions: assume methods used to get the message out will work; assume there’s the right mix of email ads; assume messages are right; assume the timeline is correct. Ever realize how much you are guessing? The problem is in the marketing plan. It becomes a risk-removal tool that leads to pointing fingers and placing blame on others. Instead of a plan, start with a goal. To start down the 10X marketing path, list what work you did this week. Are these 10X or 10 percent activities? Do any of these activities have the ability or potential, in a short period of time, to multiply results by 10X? Links: Garrett Moon 10X Marketing Formula Gartner’s Hype Cycle Blue Ocean Strategy Agile Manifesto SpaceX Elon Musk If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play Quotes by Garrett: â€Å"Everyone was really excited about it (content marketing). There was a lot of energy. A lot of hype behind it, and a lot of big promises that content marketing made to all of us.† â€Å"If we’re going to really double down. If we’re really going to continue doing this, how do we really make it sing? How do we really make it pay for itself and become a true part of our results?† â€Å"For us (as a start-up), it was results or die.† â€Å"Once teams start looking at what they’re doing, how their processes are built, one thing they tend to find is that much of what they’re doing is based on mitigating risk vs. generating results.†

Friday, November 22, 2019

How Fart Lighting Works

How Fart Lighting Works Did you know you can light farts on fire and that the color of the flame will depend on your personal biochemistry? Heres a look at how fart lighting works, the chemicals responsible, and how to light farts safely. Why Are Farts Flammable? Farts (the informal name for flatus or flatulence) result from normal bacteria in the digestive tract breaking down food into simpler chemical compounds. Everyone hosts their own personal colony of bacteria, so the gas signature you produce is your own unique flammable aroma. The color of the flame depends on personal biochemistry. Gases in Farts Although the exact chemical composition  of farts varies from one person to the next, there are six common gases: carbon dioxidehydrogenhydrogen sulfidemethanenitrogenoxygen Hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, and methane are flammable gases that will produce a flame when exposed to an ignition source, such as a match or lighter. With the energy from the ignition, the flammable gases react with oxygen from air and flatus to produce oxides and water.  The smell of farts results from hydrogen sulfide as well as indole, skatole, short-chain fatty acids, and volatile amines. Colored Fart Flames Hydrogen is the most abundant gas in most farts, so most flatus burns with a yellow to orange flame. However, if you are a member of the population that produces flatulence high in methane, you may yield a blue flame. This is relatively uncommon, so producing the blue angel or blue dart is considered a sort of special talent in certain circles. In order for the flame to be blue, the concentration of methane needs to be high. Eating foods high in sulfur (e.g., broccoli, cabbage, kale)  may enrich methane content in flatulence. However, this only matters if you already host the right bacteria. The gases depend more on the species of bacteria than on the foods you eat, although diet certainly impacts the quantity of flatus that is produced and stored in the rectum.  The only way to change the color of your farts, as far as I know, is to switch out the bacteria in your gut for a new set. To some extent, this occurs naturally over time. Illness or exposure to certain antibiotics can wipe out the bacteria, allowing others to colonize. How To Light a Fart on Fire (Safely) Okay, so lighting gas on fire is not an inherently safe project since the flammable gas is released from inside your body, but if you are curious about the color of flame your fart produces or just feel like igniting flatus because its funny, there are some tips that will help protect you and the person lighting the fart: Wear clothing. Not only does this protect onlookers from seeing body parts they may not wish to view, but it protects delicate skin from burns. Assuming you fart forcefully, plenty of gas will make it through the barrier to produce a display. Natural fibers (e.g., cotton, silk, wool) are less likely to catch fire or melt than synthetic fibers (e.g., nylon, polyester).If possible, light the fart with a long-handled match or lighter. This reduces the chance of burning ones hand.Not that they would, but dont let people get up close and personal viewing the project. Protect eyes and faces (and noses).Just in case something goes wrong, be prepared to put out a fire. Smother a fire by dropping and rolling or covering the affected area/object with a nonflammable material. Water works to extinguish fart fires.Its really not advisable to light farts when intoxicated. This applies to all fire projects. Youre less likely to be thinking clearly and your ability to react to an emergency may be im paired. Your friends will upload embarrassing videos and text pictures to everyone on the planet. You know the drill. People do get burned lighting farts, so by no means is this practice encouraged. Sources Ohge, H; Furne, JK; Springfield, J; Sueda, T; Madoff, RD; Levitt, MD (November 7, 2003). The effect of antibiotics and bismuth on fecal hydrogen sulfide and sulfate-reducing bacteria in the rat. FEMS Microbiology Letters. 228 (1): 137–4 2. doi:10.1016/s0378-1097(03)00748-1Suarez, F; Furne, J; Springfield, J; Levitt, M (May 1997). Insights into human colonic physiology obtained from the study of flatus composition. American Journal of Physiology. 272 (5 Pt 1): G1028–33. PMID 9176210Tangerman, Albert (2009). Measurement and biological significance of the volatile sulfur compounds hydrogen sulfide, methanethiol and dimethyl sulfide in various biological matrices. Journal of Chromatography B. 877 (28): 3366–3377. doi:10.1016/j.jchromb.2009.05.026

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

A guideline on the privacy of personal data stored on company-owned Essay

A guideline on the privacy of personal data stored on company-owned mobile devices - Essay Example In terms of maintaining company privacy, the company can use IT experts to track their employees. This is useful for knowing the location of employees at a particular time compared to where they are supposed to be. Employers sometimes allow employees to carry company-issued mobile devices such as iPhones and iPods. It has been in the news that iPhones and iPods are able to track the physical location of the person possessing them secretly. These types of devices can be used for business purpose and track personal information of the user blurs privacy between corporate information and personal information. This is because the devices can track personal location of the user and store it in unencrypted files found in the devices and on the owner’s computer. As a result, the organization IT experts can obtain this data from the employee’s computer according to Bidgol. This type of device is usually equipped with a Global Positioning System (GPS) that tracks the individualâ €™s location. This proves to a threat to personal privacy of employees and thus the need for organizations to come up with a policy and a legal guideline on the type of information to be gathered using such devices. For instance, there should be a guideline on maintaining an employee’s privacy when using a personal Smartphone while conducting company business. Employees need to know how much to share with organization clients when using either personal device or company device. Organizations further, need to consider the issue of transparency if they are determined to track physical location of their employees or get customers. This will involve informing employees about the policies on how to shield their privacy while using company devices or while conducting company business with personal devices. There is also need for organizations to equip their mobile devices with mobile payment system that will discourage employees from misusing the devices. IT managers have estim ated that employees often spend more than an hour every day on non-work related web services. These include online games, internet surfing, gambling and shopping among others. The downloading and storage of such personal data results in various internet based threats on critical company data stored in the devices misused. The threats include susceptibility to virus and worm attacks, malware infection, and hacking of private and restricted company sites and passwords. In most cases, this leads to the organizations taking tough measures of protecting their devices by installing GPS functionality that later hinders the privacy of the user. The advantages gained by organizations in having their employees work at different locations at different time brings out the need for protecting personal information used by employees while at work. For the same purpose, both the organization and employees should understand the limit and the technical control needed when using such mobile devices. T his includes the organizations coming up with policies based on technical control of their mobile devices to provide about the extent that the device as suggested by Garfinkel and Spafford (2002) can control the personal data of the employee. This may include providing a set download of a specific capacity before a using a personal device for connecting the network of the organization. An organization is required to draw a line regarding personal privacy infringement. Infringement of personal data occurs when the organization exposes personal information that may be a threat to their safety. In order to avoid this,

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

What was the Monroe Doctrine and what impact has it had on American Essay

What was the Monroe Doctrine and what impact has it had on American history - Essay Example 87). The restrictions ushered to curb the remaining Latin American colonies under Spain and Portugal from gaining the looming independence from Portuguese, as well as Spanish Empires. Together with Britain, United purposed to ascertain total refrain by European Powers into the barred states. The immediate success is that continental powers did not revive the Spanish empire as a result of the British strong Navy following the weakness in U.S military. It never spread like a national doctrine to curb the threat to interest Americans and got hidden from American history for a decade. It culminate to France relinquishing the Maximilian. Besides, Spain stopped interfering with Dominican Republic in 1965. It allowed Unites States forcefully to regulate Dominican Republic’s customs with an objective to revive its economy. It also led to a military confrontation in Haiti and Nicaragua. Monroe doctrine led to harmonious linkages between US and UK (Sexton, 2011, p.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Mike Tyson; Its Not What You Think Essay Example for Free

Mike Tyson; Its Not What You Think Essay This biographical sketch will explore Mike Tyson’s life of victories, personal, and professional losses. Mike Tyson, born Michael Gerard Tyson, was born June 30, 1966, in Brooklyn, New York to Jimmy Kirkpatrick and Lorna Tyson. Jimmy abandoned the family in 1968, when Mike was two years old, leaving Lorna to care for Mike and his two siblings, Rodney and Denise. My selection of Mike Tyson for a case study was based a several intriguing factors about him that gained my attention. Any documentary and/or interview that I’ve viewed on Mike Tyson, I initially look into his eyes. The eyes are the window to our souls, and his eyes share the pains he’s suffered in his life. Over the past 27 years, Mike Tyson has been described as erratic, volatile, and somewhat unstable. His mother, Lorna was an alcoholic and died from cancer when he was only 16 and his sister, Denise died of a heart attack due to obesity in 1991 at the age of 25, little is known about his father, Jimmy. The oldest sibling Rodney is a physician assistant in the trauma center of a Los Angeles hospital. As a boy Tyson became a pickpocket on public buses, rolled drunks and mugged old ladies of their purses. By the time he was 13, he had been arrested 38 times. Tyson lived in and around high crime neighborhood throughout his pre-teen and adolescent years. His very first fight was with a neighborhood youth that was larger than him, who had removed the head of one of Tyson’s pigeons. Mike was transferred to a reform school for boys in Johnstown, New York, where he met a counselor named Bob Stewart, who was also a former amateur boxing champion. Stewart trained Mike on how to use his fist to fight; Mike was so determined to learn everything about boxing. He would often sneak out of bed after curfew to practice throwing punches in the dark. In 1980, Mike was introduced to the late legendary boxing manager, Cus D’Amato. D’Amato provided room and board for Mike, and developed a close relationship with him. Mike looked to D’Amato as his mentor and as a father. Tys on was classified as learning disabled because he could only read at the level of a seventh grader while in high school. After the death of his mother, he was expelled from Catskill High School and continued schooling through private tutors as he prepared for the 1984 Olympic trials. Developmental Psychology is defined as the study of physical and cognitive changes from birth until death. (M.U.S.E., 2010) Physical changes are measured by height, weight, and strengths during the different stages of your life; beginning with conception through childhood, and adolescence through adulthood and eventually death. (M.U.S.E., 2010) Motivation is defined as forces determining behavior; the biological, emotional, cognitive, or social forces that activate and direct behavior. (Encarta, 2012) There are several theories stating various opinions on motivation, the most popular being Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. It argues that we as individuals are motivated to satisfy a specific need, when we have a sense of belonging we are motivated by a desire to be held in esteem. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are as follows: self-actualization (doing your own best thing), esteem (need to be recognized, self-respect, and respect of others), belonging (being accepted, be coming a part of something), safety (psychological, physical, secure), physiological (sex, hunger, rest). (Goal, 2013) Personality is defined as the totality of somebody’s attitudes, interests, behavioral patterns, emotional responses, social roles, and other individual traits that endure over long periods of time. During an independent medical evaluation performed in September 1998 for the Nevada State Athletic Commission, Tyson gave a history of repeated head injuries as a child. The injuries included multiple episodes of loss of consciousness as a result of being struck with various objects during street fights. During this evaluation process, Tyson was also questioned about symptoms of depression. After eight visits with a psychiatrist, Tyson was diagnosed with â€Å"dysthymic disorder† (chronic depression) and issues related to his personality by Dr. Richard Goldberg, MD, prior to the independent medical evaluation. It’s difficult to assess when this disorder began, before the evaluation took place, Tyson’s boxing license was suspended for biting Evander Holyfield’s ear during a boxing match. Dysthymic disorder is a type of chronic depression when a person’s moods are regularly low. The symptoms are not as severe as with other major depression disorders. The main symptom of this disorder is a low, dark, or sad mood on most days for a period of two years. Dysthymic disorders increase the risk of suicide. Some patients recover completely, while others continue to display the symptoms, even with treatment. (Fava, 2008) Psychology in the workplace helps employees and enterprises to achieve truly sustainable growth in workplace performance. Porath, MacInnis, Folkes (2010) found that when an employee mistreated or was uncivil (e.g., being rude or discourteous, ignoring or making derogatory remarks, passing blame for their own mistakes, belittling the efforts of others, etc.) toward another employee, customers who witnessed it tended to â€Å"make negative generalizations about (a) others who work for the firm, (b) the firm as a whole, and (c) future encounters with the firm, inferences that [went] well beyond the incivility incident† (p. 292). What researchers discovered was that â€Å"consumers [were] also negatively affected even when they [were] mere observers of incivility between employees† (Porath et al., 2010, p. 301). A survey of public sector employees in the United States found that 71% of respondents reported at least some experience of workplace incivility from a supervisor or coworker (e.g., being treated rudely or discourteously, having a coworker or boss ignore or make derogatory remarks, being blamed for a colleague’s mistakes, being belittled, having someone set them up to fail, being shut out of a team, etc.) during the previous 5 years, and 6% reported experiencing such behavior many times (Cortina, Magley, Williams, Langhout, 2001). Lim, Cortina, and Magley (2008) found that (1) â€Å"uncivil work experiences also appear to have a direct negative influence on mental health† (p. 104), (2) employees who experienced incivility were more likely to be dissatisfied with their boss and coworkers than with the job itself, and (3) those personal experiences of workplace incivility can lead to them eventually quitting their jobs. References M.U.S.E., â€Å"Conception through childhood and Adulthood† (2010) Mike Tyson. (2012). Biography.com. http://www.biography.com/people/mike-tyson Fava M, Cassano P. Mood disorders: major depressive disorder and dysthymic disorder. In: Stern TA, Rosenbaum JF, Fava M, Biederman J, Rauch SL, eds. Comprehensive Clinical Psychiatry. 1st ed. Philadelphia, Pa: Mosby Elsevier; 2008 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMH0001916/ Holmes, Leonard. (2006) Mike Tyson’s Assessment. Retrieved from About.com Mental Health http://mentalhealth.about.com/cs/academicpsychology/a/tyson_2.htm Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J., Williams, J. H., Langhout, R. D. (2001). Incivility in the workplace: Incidence and impact. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 6(1), 64-80. Lim, S., Cortina, L. M., Magley, V. J. (2008). Personal and workgroup incivility: Impact on work and health outcomes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(1), 95-107. doi:10.1037/0021-9010.93.1.95 Pearson, C. Porath, C. (2009). The cost of bad behavior: How incivility is damaging your business and what to do about it. New York, NY: Portfolio. Porath, C., MacInnis, D., Folkes, V. (2010). Witnessing incivility among employees: Effects on consumer anger and negative inferences about companies. Journal of Consumer Research, 37(2), 292-303.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Jimi Hendrix :: essays research papers

Jimi Hendrix, the greatest guitarist in rock history, revolutionized the sound of rock. In 1967, the Jimi Hendrix Experience rocked the nation with their first album, Are You Experienced?. Hendrix's life was cut short by the tragedy of drugs in 1970, when he was only twenty seven years old. In these three years the sound of rock changed greatly, and Hendrix’s guitar playing was a major influence. Jimi was born in Seattle, Washington on November 27, 1942. As a young boy, whenever the chance came, Jimi would try to play along with his R & B records. However, music was not his life long dream. At first, the army was. In the late 1950’s, Hendrix enlisted in the 101st Airborne Division. After sustaining a back injury during a jump, he received a medical discharge. After his army career came to an abrupt end, he decided to go into the music field. By this time he had become an accomplished guitarist, and was soon to become known as the greatest guitarist ever (Stambler, pg. 290). However, he did not start out at the top. Jimi started out playing as part of the back-up for small time R & B groups. It did not take long before his work was in demand with some of the best known artists in the field, such as B.B. King, Ike and Tina Turner, Solomon Burke, Jackie Wilson, Littler Richard, Wilson Pickett, and King Curtis (Clifford, pg. 181). Using the name Jimmy James, he toured with a bunch of R & B shows, including six months as a member of James Brown’s Famous Flames (Stambler, pg. 290). At the Cafe Wha! in New York, in 1966, Hendrix decided to try singing. Jimi lucked out when a man by the name of Charles â€Å"Chas† Chandler from Eric Burdon's Animals heard him at the club and thought he was sensational. When Chas heard him again later that year, he talked Jimi into moving to England where he would really get the chance to start his career (Stambler, pg. 290). Along with Chas, Hendrix auditioned some musicians to complete the new Hendrix group. They choose Mitch Mitchell, a fantastic drummer, and Noel Redding, one of England's best guitar and bass players (Stambler, pg. 290). In 1966, at the Olympia in Paris, the Experience debuted. One year later, the Experience was breaking attendance records right and left at European clubs. When the Monkees toured England in 1967,

Monday, November 11, 2019

The Count of Monte Cristo

Bonaparte plot has been discovered,† Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,† Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:† Now, my dear friend,† Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. † PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,† Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! † exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! † PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,† replied Cadaverous. But,† continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? † PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .† â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,† said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? † â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. † PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? † â€Å"Absolutely the last. † PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. † â€Å"Dangerous! Why? † â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. † PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. † PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,† said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. † PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? † inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,† read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,† PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? † cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! † PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father. The Count of Monte Cristo Bonaparte plot has been discovered,† Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,† Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:† Now, my dear friend,† Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. † PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,† Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! † exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! † PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,† replied Cadaverous. But,† continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? † PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .† â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,† said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? † â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. † PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? † â€Å"Absolutely the last. † PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. † â€Å"Dangerous! Why? † â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. † PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. † PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,† said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. † PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? † inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,† read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,† PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? † cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! † PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father. The Count of Monte Cristo To seek vengeance is to inflict injury, harm, and humiliation, on a person by another who has been harmed by that person. In the movie The Count of Monte Cristo, Edmond seeks revenge on Fernand Mondego for many reasons. All of which were justified because of the horrible treatment Edmond received while he was in prison. Not only did that make Edmond angry, but also when he found out the Fernand Mondego had married his wife to be only 1 month after being locked away. Being that they were friends once before made it that much harder for Edmond to believe everything that Fernand had done to him behind his back. There were lots of lies, betrayal, and false hoods as to why Edmond was even sent to prison. Throughout the whole movie everyone was told that he was dead. Edmonds approach to become revengeful toward Fernand might be criticized because many believe that vengeance has no justification no matter how the other person has harmed you. If society is not going to retaliate against a crime on your behalf it is not okay to take matters into your own hands. Most people would say that it would all depend on the situation, but I think that there is no situation that is so severe to where there would be justification for those actions. The Golden Rule states to do unto others as you would have them do to you. If you are treated wrongfully it does not give you the right to turn around and do the same or worse back to them. Otherwise the cycle will keep going in a circle and people will get hurt and they will get nowhere in life with that thought process. Before someone seeks vengeance they need to think about the utilitarianism theory which states that everyone should perform that act or follow that moral rule which will bring about the greatest good for everybody. Paying someone back for a wrong doing that they did to you is not moral or ethical at all under any circumstances. Stating that revenge and retributive have similarities would be a true statement. Revenge is the exact punishment or amends for a wrong on behalf of, especially in a resentful or vindictive spirit. Whereas retributive theory states that punishment should be given only when it is deserved and only to the extent that it is deserved, is concerned with the past rather than the future. It is also stated that punishment should be imposed by some person or group that has â€Å"duty constituted† moral or legal authority. Both are a form of punishment, but retributive is a type of punishment that has to be imposed by a legal authority. Revenge is an act of punishment but not by a legal authority. It is imposed on a person who has wrong someone else whether it was intentional or not. Overall revenge is a highly debated topic that everyone has their own opinions on. It is something that is frowned upon in many circumstances. Hurting someone because they have mistreated you is not the answer. The statement an eye for an eye and tooth for and a tooth for a tooth could be an extreme when murder is the circumstance. To each his own opinion, but I think that no matter the circumstance there is never justification for revenge. The Count of Monte Cristo The movie The Count of Monte Cristo took place in France in the nineteenth century around 1814 on the islands of Elba, Chateau d’If and Monte Cristo. This was during the time after the fall of Napoleon’s empire. The Count of Monte Cristo tells a story of betrayal, ultimate revenge, and undying love. Edmond Dantes, a sailor who was falsely accused of treason by his best friend was sentenced to prison where he plots his revenge against those who betrayed him. Armond Mondego the friend who out of jealousy plotted against Edmond to win the beautiful Mercedes and fortune was later destroyed by the revenge and hate of Edmond who became known as The Count of Monte Cristo. The string that Mercedes ties around her finger represents that she is bound to Edmond by undying love forever. The transformation that Edmond made in becoming The Count of Monte Cristo was the beginning to Edmond taking his life back; He became bold, dark and vengeful. Throughout the movie chess pieces are referred to as places of stature. Napoleon refers to kings and pawns as emperors and fools. When Edmond gains the position of captain of the Pharron ship Armond tells Edmond â€Å"victories are kings of the moment. † Armond hands Edmond a King as he is being arrested as a symbol to remind him of better days. In prison this chess piece is used as a reminder to Edmond of how he was betrayed and his life stripped from him. This later is returned to Mondago as his life falls apart because of the revenge from Edmond. The Count of Monte Cristo Bonaparte plot has been discovered,† Violator continued. PEG. 29 Edmond has been accused of a planning a Bonaparte plot. Since that is the case he will not be going home at all because this was a serious matter. Chi. 6: Violator went to the fire, threw the letter into the fire, threw the letter into the flames, and remained watching it until it was reduced to ashes. PEG. 36 This is foreshadowing Edmonds other enemy because instead of setting him free he is getting rid of the evidence that might be able to set him free. Chi. 7: Dante got up and quite naturally looked in the direction he boat was moving.Before him, at a distance of a hundred fathoms, rose the black, steep rock on which stood the frowning Chateau dif. PEG. 40 Edmond is realizing that he is heading to the most feared prison and that what he has been accused of is far beyond anything he has ever been apart of. Chi. 8: He was astonished at her beauty and dignity, and when she asked him what had become of him whom she loved he felt as though he were the culprit and she his Judge. PEG 45 Mercedes has such great beauty that it is making Violator regret sending Edmond away to his doom. Chi. : â€Å"Sire,† Violator answered, â€Å"l will give your majesty a faithful report.I have come to Paris with all speed to inform Your Majesty that, in the exercise of my duties, I have discovered a conspiracy; not one of those every day, meaningless, vulgar plots of the lower classes of our people, but a veritable tempest which threatens Your Majesty very throne. PEG. 50 What Violator is reporting to the King is foreshadowing the fall of the Kings throne because he is reporting to him false accusations. Also those of which he is accusing are innocent. Chi. 10: The King detached the cross of the Legion f Honor which he usually wore on his blue coat and giving it to Violator said: â€Å"In the meantime take this cross. PEG. 54-55 This shows that Violator has won over the trust of the King. The King is als o realizing that he is going to be taken over. Chi. 11: As for Dante, he remained a prisoner; hidden away in the depths of his dungeon he was ignorant of the downfall of Louis Xviii throne and the re-establishment of Napoleon. PEG. 56 This quote has is showing how Edmond is so lost into the depths of prison that he has little hope of knowing what is going on and that if he ever get out he will Have o idea of anything that has taken place.Chi. 12: Nearly four years had passed since he had taken this resolution; at the end of the second year he ceased to count the days. PEG. 60 Edmond had taken a resolution to kill himself of starvation but he could not do it. This is foreshadowing that he will live through prison and escape or be let out. Chi. 13: Dante threw himself into the arms of his new friend, for whom he had waited so impatiently and so long, and drew him toward the window that the little light that penetrated into his cell might reveal his features. PEG. 7 Edmond has not en a nyone except the gallery and to meet someone who has the same objective as him which is to escape from their wretched prison cells excites him and it gives him hope. Chi. 14:† Now, my dear friend,† Farina continued, looking at Dante with an almost paternal expression, â€Å"you know as much as I do; if we ever escape together half of my treasure is yours; if I die here and you escape alone the whole of it belongs to you. † PEG. 90 Farina now trusts Edmond and has told him about the treasure he wishes to obtain when he gets out of prison which he needs Edmonds help.Chi. 1 5: There is no hope,† Farina replied, shaking his head. â€Å"Oh, yes, yes! † exclaimed Dante, â€Å"l tell you I shall save you! † PEG. 93 Farina knows his death is coming by the fatal third attack and he is accepting it. Edmond does not want the death of his friend who is to help him escape so he does not want to except that fact that there is nothing he can do. Chi. 16: He h ad eaten nothing since the previous evening, but he had not thought of his hunger in the mourning, neither did he think of it now.This quote shows that Edmond is very determined to carry out his escape plot that nothing is phasing him to even hunger. Chi. 17: They would have to find some neutral ground where an exchange could be made, and then endeavor to land the goods on the coast of France. PEG. 108 This is foreshadowing that Edmond is going to finally be able to step foot in the Isle of Monte Crisis and that he will be able to find hid treasure. Chi. 18: Edmond opened his eyes, complained of a sharp pain in his knee, a feeling of heaviness in his head, and unbearable pain in his back.PEG. III Edmond has hurt himself in order to be able to be alone on the island to retrieve his treasure. Chi. 19: After he had touched, fingered, ride his trembling hands in the gold and precious stones, Edmond rose and rushed through the caves like a man seized with a frenzy. PEG. 116 Edmond has fo und the treasure he has been longing for and he is now very exciting and can't wait for the ship to come back and get him. Chi. 20: He had quite expected to hear of his farthest death, but what had become of Mercedes? PEG. 19 This quote shows that Edmond has not completely lost his mind and that he is being rational about what has happened to his father and the women he wished to marry. Chi. 21 : â€Å"It is how I have said,† replied Cadaverous. But,† continued the priest, â€Å"was the unhappy old man so completely forsaken by everyone that he died such a death? † PEG. 122 This quote is questioning whether Edmonds father deserved such a death as starvation because the worst and vilest animals don't even get such a death. Chi. 22: The babe rose, and twice paced around the room, pressing his trembling hand to his parched throat. And you believe he that he died of .. .† â€Å"Of hunger, monsieur, pure starvation,† said Cadaverous. PEG. 126 This quote i s implying that Edmonds father was so grief stricken that he didn't want to eat and that he was sad that his son was gone. Chi. 23: â€Å"The passage was doubtless made with a view to escape? † â€Å"Exactly, but unfortunately for the prisoners, the babe was seized with an attack of epilepsy and died. † PEG. 136 This is foreshadowing that Edmonds new ID might be compromised because it is known that he has escaped. Chi. 4: â€Å"The Pharaoh is your last hope, then? † â€Å"Absolutely the last. † PEG. 142 This quote is showing how Morel life and honor is at stake because he is in a lot of debt and if the Pharaoh doesn't come back with the money he needs he is going to kill himself. Chi. 25: muff are saved! You are saved! She threw herself into his arms, at the same time holding out to him a red silk purse. PEG. 153 Morel has been saved by Sinbad the Sailor by giving Morel's daughter enough money to pay her dad's debt in a purse. This also has saved him from killing himself.Chi. 26: mirror itinerary is impossible, or to say the least very dangerous. † â€Å"Dangerous! Why? † â€Å"Because of the bandit, Lugging Vamp. † PEG. 158 This is foreshadowing that they are going to meet up with the vile bandit Lugging Vamp. Chi. 27: â€Å"Upon my word, I think our neighbor must be some stockbroker who has speculated on the falloff Spanish funds; or else some rinse traveling incognito. † PEG. 167 Albert and Franz are excited upon meeting the Count and they know nothing about him so they are trying to figure out what he does and who he is. Chi. 8: â€Å"If my unknown be as amiable as she is beautiful,† said Albert, â€Å"l shall stay at Rome for tallest six weeks. † PEG. 176 Albert has an admirer and she has sent him a letter for which he is to meet her and if she has beauty he will stay in Rome for however long it takes. Chi. 29: â€Å"What conditions have I forgotten, Count? † inquired the bandit w ith the air of a man who, having committed an error, is noxious to repair it. PEG. 187 The Count has befriended Lugging Vamp by capturing him while Lugging was trying to capture him and he let him go in return that Lugging doesn't capture any of the Counts friends.Chi. 30: Monte Crisis passed Albert a piece of paper. â€Å"Number thirty, Champs Ulysses,† read Mercers. The young men stared at one another. PEG. 206 They are amazed at the Count because where he lives is one of the most beautiful places throughout Paris. Chi. 31 : Monte Crisis was a worthy appreciator of all things Albert had collected here: old cabinets, Japanese porcelain, Oriental tuffs, Venetian glass, weapons of all countries of the world; everything was familiar to him, and he recognized at a glance their date and country of origin.PEG. 207 The Monte Crisis is amazing Albert by knowing about every piece that Albert has collect and the Count impresses him by his knowledge. Chi. 32: â€Å"In that case, here is the card of my master, Baron Danglers,† PEG. 214 This is foreshadowing how the Count is going to start his plot for revenge against Danglers. Chi. 33: â€Å"My dappled grey? † cried out Madame Danglers, rushing to the window. Miss those are mine indeed! Danglers was astounded. PEG. 222 The Count has bought Mme Dandlers' horses and he returns them to her to gain her trust.Chi. 34: Monte Crisis replied: â€Å"Hayden, we are in France, you know, so you are free! † PEG. 228 Now that the Count is in France his slave Hayden is free but she doesn't want to leave him because she loves him this is foreshadowing a love between them. Chi. 35: â€Å"The last words he spoke were: ‘Macmillan, it was Edmond Dante! PEG. 235 This is foreshadowing that Macmillan is going to find out the Counts true identity because he knows it was Edmond who saved his father.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


ALIBUGHA The play â€Å"Alibugha† that we watched last September 11, 2011 at Paco Catholic School was derived from the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The two are almost the same, the only difference was that there were some twists added to the story. In Alibugha, there was a family composed of a father & two sons. The father was a farmer, his older son followed his path and also became a farmer while his other son went to Manila to study because he doesn’t want to be a farmer like them because he thinks that it won’t take him that far and that it won’t make him any richer.His younger son went home one day and asked for his inheritance and went to Manila right after he got it, money is the only thing that matters to him. He spent the inheritance he got from his father to useless stuffs. He even used it to get a girl make out with him. He thought he got the girl pregnant so he married her. They’ve had a daughter and lived together for years until the bo ss of the girl finds out where they live and that they were living together.Her wife had a relationship with her boss before they got together, she left him when they met. Her boss got mad for that and searched for them for years, when he found their location, he made an action immediately. He went there and threatened the girl to go with her but the girl doesn’t want to, so he shot her and he also died in the end. The husband was left with the child he doesn’t even own, he realized how miserable he was after that so he decided to go back to his father and brother and reconcile with them.They accepted him completely, without any hesitation. This story was great. It just teaches us to remember to get back to God whenever we got the wrong path. God is always ready to accept us no matter what we do, we just need to get back to Him and reconcile for our sins and He will immediately accept us. We should follow God’s path because it’s the right path that will l ead us to success.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Old and knew immigrants essays

Old and knew immigrants essays Old and New Immigrants, Birds of Passage, and True Immigrants Historians have divided immigration to the United States into two categories: old and new immigrants. With population increases in almost every European country due to advances in medicine and public health standards resulting in reduced infant mortality rates and increased life expectancies, land and food supplies did not increase to meet the new population demands. England, Ireland, France, Germany, and Scandinavia, defined the old immigrants who were mostly white Protestants. The majority of them were literate and had lived under constitutional forms of government. Greeks, Poles, Russians, Slavs, and Turks were the next wave of immigrants referred to as new immigrants. They emigrated from eastern and southern Europe only to find assimilation more difficult because they differed from earlier immigrants and native- born Americans politically, religiously, and culturally. Some reasons for the cause of these new immigrants to come to America was overpopulation in eastern and southern parts of Europe, and young men faced job, land, and food shortages. Between 1860 and 1890, more than ten million migrants arrived on Americas shores; between 1890 and 1920 over fifteen million more arrived. The United States did not only lure immigrants from Europe, millions emigrated from Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Canada, Brazil, and Argentina and other areas of the globe. There were two types of immigrants living in America for different reasons. Permanent immigrants also known as true immigrants came to America because of Barroso 2 what it had to offer: political and religious freedom as well as economic opportunity. ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Advertising and Product

Expressed usually as a percentage of  target market, brand awareness is the primary goal of  advertising  in the early months or years of a  products introduction. [1] Brand awareness is the extent to which the consumer associates the brand with the product he desires to buy. It is the brand recall and the brand recognition of the company to the consumers. Brand recall is the ability of the consumer to recollect the brand with reference to the product where as brand recognition is the potential of the consumer to retrieve the past knowledge of the brand when enquired about the brand or shown an image of the brand  logo. Brand awareness is an essential part of  brand development  which helps the brand to stand out from the others in this monopolistically competitive market. A brand name that is well known to the great majority of households is also called a  household name. - Importance  [edit] Awareness, attitudes, and usage (AAU) metrics relate closely to what has been called the Hierarchy of Effects, an assumption that customers progress through sequential stages from lack of awareness, through initial purchase of a product, to brand loyalty. In total, these AAU metrics allow companies to track trends in customer knowledge and attitudes. [2] Brand awareness plays a major role in a consumer’s buying decision process. The knowledge of an acquaintance or friend having used the product in the past or a high recognition of the product through constant advertisements and associations coaxes the person to make his decision in the favour of the brand. The eventual goal of most businesses is to make profits and increase sales. Businesses intend to increase their consumer pool and encourage repeat purchases. Apple is a brilliant example of how there is a very high recognition of the brand logo and high anticipation of a new product being released by the company. An iPod is the first thing that pops into our minds when we think of purchasing an mp3 player. iPod is used as a replaceable noun to describe an mp3 player. Finally, high brand awareness about a product suggests that the brand is easily recognizable and accepted by the market in a way that the brand is differentiated from similar products and other competitors. Brand building also helps in improving brand loyalty. - Types of Brand Awareness  [edit] Aided Awareness- This type of awareness is generated in a consumer. When asked about a product category, if the consumer is aided with a list of company names and he recognizes the company from the given set it is categorized as aided awareness. Top of the mind Awareness- When the name of the company is automatically recollected because the consumer very promptly associates the brand with the product category, it is called a top of the mind awareness of the product. [3] - Methodologies  [edit] Mokhira discussion in industry and practice about the meaning and value of various brand awareness metrics. Recently, an  empirical  study appeared to put this debate to rest by suggesting that all awareness metrics were systematically related, simply reflecting their difficulty, in the same way that certain questions are more difficult in academic exams. [4] Channels of Brand Awareness  [edit] There are many ways to generate brand awareness in the consumers. Listed below are four such channels Advertising  is the activity or profession of producing information for promoting the sale of commercial products or services. 5]  Advertising is used through various media to generate brand awareness within consumers. They can be aired as radio ads, television commercials, internet etc. Guerrilla Marketing  tactics allow every small firm to compete with bigger firms by carving out narrow but profitable niches. These tactics include (1) extreme specialization, (2) aiming every effo rt at favourably impressing the customers, (3) providing service that goes beyond the customers expectations, (4) fast response time, (5) quick turnaround of jobs, and (6) working hours that match the customers requirements. The term Guerrilla Marketing is a registered trademark of author Jay Levinson who popularized it through his several Guerrilla books. [6] It is an out of the ordinary way of marketing a product. Low-cost channels can be utilised to generate a high level of interest in the product and create brand awareness. Utilisation of personal contacts is the most popular way of guerrilla marketing. Product Placement is an advertising technique used by companies to subtly promote their products through a non-traditional advertising technique, usually through appearances in film, television, or other media. 6] A formal agreement between the product manufacturer and a media company can be generated through which the media company also receives an economic benefit, usually in the form of a fee. The media company in return will showcase the product through any of the various means they have available to make the brand stand out. Some people, however, consider product placement to be deceptive and une thical. For example, Coca-Cola could pay a given fee to have the title character drinking a Coke, instead of a Pepsi beverage, or Toyota might pay to have one of the characters drive their newest automobile. Through product placement, companies hope that moviegoers will take note of the products used by the characters, and therefore think more strongly about using the products themselves. Social Media is the most contemporary and cost effective way of creating a brand awareness with an online audience. Many companies use social media like facebook, youtube, blogs What is Advertising : The word advertising is derived from the Latin word viz, advertero   ad meaning towards and verto meeting towards and verto meaning. I turn literally specific thing. Simply stated advertising is the art says green. Advertising is a general term for and all forms of publicity, from the cry of the street boy selling newspapers to the most celebrate attention attracts device. The object always is to bring to public notice some articles or service, to create a demand to stimulate buying and in general to bring logethel the man with something to sell and the man who has means or desires to buy. Advertising ha s been defined by different experts. Some of the quoted definition are :   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   American marketing association has defined advertising as any paid form of non personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods or services by an identified sponsor. The medium used are print broad cast and direct. Stanton deserves that Advertising consists of all the activities involved in presenting to a group a non- personal, oral or visual openly, sponsored message regarding a product, service, or idea. This message called an advertisement is disseminated through one or more media and is paid for by the identified sponsor. Advertising is any paid form of non – personal paid of presentation of ideas goods or services by an identified sponsor. Advertising is a non- personal paid message of commercial significance about a product, service or company made to a market by an identified sponsor. In developing an advertising programme, one must always start by identifying the market needs and buyer motives and must make five major decisions commonly referred as 5M (mission, money message, media and measurement) of advertising. Basic Features of Advertising On the basis of various definitions it has certain basic features such as : 1. It is a mass non-personal communication. 2. It is a matter of record. 3. It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised. 4. It is a mass paid communication. 5. The communication media is diverse such as print (newspapers and magazines) 6. It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread by means of the written and printed work and pictures so that people may be induced to act upon it. Functions of Advertising For many firms advertising is the dominant element of the promotional mix – particulars for those manufacturers who produce convenience goods such as detergent, non – prescription drugs, cosmetics, soft drinks and grocery products. Advertising is also used extensively by maters of automobiles, home appliances, etc, to introduce new product and new product features its uses its attributes, pt availability etc. Advertising can also help to convince potential buyers that a firms product or service is superior to competitors product in make in quality, in price etc. t can create brand image and reduce the likelihood of brand switching even when competitors lower their prices or offer some attractive incentives. Advertising is particularly effective in certain other spheres too such as : i)  Ã‚  Ã‚  When consumer awareness of products or service is at a minimum. ii)  Ã‚  When sales are increasing for all terms in an industry. iii)  When a product is new and incorporate s technological advance not strong and. iv)  When primary buying motive exists. It performance the following functions : i)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Promotion of sales ii)  Ã‚  Introduction of new product awareness. iii)  Mass production facilitation v)  Carry out research v)  Ã‚  Education of people. TYPES OF ADVERTISING Broadly speaking, advertising may be classified into two categories viz. , product and institutional advertising. a)Product Advertising The main purpose of such advertising is to inform and stimulate the market about the advertisers products of services and to sell these. Thus type of advertising usually promote specific, trended products in such a manner as to make the brands seam more desirable. It is used by business government organization and private non-business organizations to promote the uses features, images and benefits of their services and products. Product advertising is sub-divided into direct action and indirect action advertising, Direct action product advertising wages the buyer to take action at once, ice he seeks a quick response to the advertisement which may be to order the product by mail, or mailing a coupon, or he may promptly purchase in a retail store in response to prince reduction during clearance sale. Product advertising is sub-divided into direct amp; indirect action advertising amp; product advertising aims at informing persons about what a products is what it does, how it is used and where it can be purchased. On the other hand selective advertising is made to meet the selective demand for a particular brand or type is product. b)Institutional Advertising : It is designed to create a proper attitude towards the sellers to build company image or goodwill rather than to sell specific product or service. Its purpose is to create a frame of mind and to implant feeling favourable to the advertisers company. Its assignment is to make friends for the institution or organization. It is sub-divided into three categories : patronage, public, relations and public service institutional advertising. )  Ã‚  In patronage institutional advertising the manufacturer tells his prospects and customer about himself his policies and lives personnel. The appeals to the patronage motivation of buyers. If successful, he convince buyers that his operation entitles him to the money spent by them. ii)  Public relations institutional advertising is used to create a favourable image of the firm among employees, sto ck-holders or the general public. iii)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public service institutional advertising wages public support. c)Other Types : The other types are as follows : i)  Ã‚  Consumer advertising i)  Ã‚  Comparative advertising iii)  Reminder advertising iv)  Reinforcement advertising ADVERTISING OBJECTIVES The long term objectives of advertising are broad and general, and concern the contribution   advertising should make to the achievement of overall company objectives. Most companies regard advertisingly main objective as hat of proving support to personal selling and other forms of promotion. But advertising is a highly versatile communications tools and may therefore by used for achieving various short and long term objectives. Among these objectives are the following : 1. To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing). 2. To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers). 3. To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy). 4. To build brand preference 9by making it more difficult for middleman to sell substitutes). 5. To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy). 6. To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e. g. , a price change, a new model or an improvement in the product). 7. To provide rationalization (i. e. Socially acceptable excuses). 8. To combat or neutralize competitors advertising. . To improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing that the company is doing its share of promotion). 10. To acquaint buyers and prospects with the new uses of the product (to extend the PLC). BENEFITS The functions of advertisement, and that purpose its ethics, may be discussion below : 1. It leads to cheaper prices. No advertiser could live in the highly competitive arena of mode rn business if his methods of selling were more costly than those of his rivals. 2. It acquaints the public with the features of the goods and advantages which buyers will enjoy. 3. It increases demand for commodities and this results in increased production. Advertising : a)  Creates and stimulates demand opens and expands the markets; b)  Creates goodwill which loads to an increase in sales volume; c)  Reduces marketing costs, particularly product selling costs. d)  Satisfied consumer demands by placing in the market what he needs. 4. It reduces distribution expenses in as much as it plays the part of thousands of salesman at a home. Information on a mass scale relieves the necessity of expenditure on sales promotion staff, and quicker and wider distribution leads to diminishing of the distribution costs. . It ensures the consumers better quality of goods. A good name is the breath of the life to an advertiser. 6. By paying the way for large scale production and increased industrialization, advertising   contributes its quota to the profit of the companies the prosperity of the shareholder the uplifts of the wage earners and the solution of he unempl oyment problem. 7. It raises the standard of living of the general public by impelling it to use to articles of modern types which may add to his material well being. Modern advertising has made the luxuries of yesterday the necessities of today It is a positive creative force in business. It makes two blades of grass grow in the business world where one grew before. 8. It establishes the goodwill of the concern for the test articles produced by it and in course of time they sell like not cakes consumer search for satisfaction of their needs when they purchase goods what they want from its beauty, superiority, economy, comfort, approval, popularity, power, safety, convenience, sexual gratification and so on. The manufactures therefore tries to improve this goodwill and reputation by knowing the buyer behaviour. To sum up it may be said that advertising aims at committing the producers, educating the consumer, supplementing the salesman converting the producer and the dealer to eliminate the competitor, but above all it is a link between the produce and the consumer. WHY amp; WHEN TO ADVERTISE Advertising as a tool to marketing not only reaches those who buy , but also those whose opinions or authority is counted for example a manufacturer of marble tiles and building boards advertises not only to people who intend to build houses but also to architect and engineers. While the manufacturers of pharmaceuticals products advertise to doctors as well as to the general public. At time it is necessary for a manufacturer or a concern to advertise things which it does not sell but which when sold stimulates the sales of its own product. There are concerns like electric heaters, iron etc. because the use of these increases the demand for their products. Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good result more economically and efficiently as compared to other means of selling. There are goods for which much time and efforts are required in creating a demand by sending salesman to prospective buyers than by simply advertising them. In the early days of the cash register in America it was sold by specially trained salesman who called on the prospective users and had the difficult task of convincing them that they could no longer carry on with the old methods, and that they urgently needed a cash register. In our country certain publishers have found it less costly to sell their books by sending salesman from house to house among prospective buyers than to advertise them. In these two examples the cost of creating demand would be too high if attempted by advertising alone under such circumstances advertising is used to make the salesman acceptable to the people they call upon to increase the confidence of the public in the house. Naturals when there are good profits competitors will be attracted and they should be kicked out as and when sufficient capital is available by advertising on a large scale. Immediate result may not justify the increased expenditure but it will no doubt secure future sales. DESIGNING ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN : An advertising is an organized series of advertising messages. It has been defined as a planned, co-ordinate series of promotional efforts built around a central theme and designed to reach a specified goals. In other words, it is an orderly planned effort consisting of related but self – contained and independent advertisements. The campaign may appear in one more media . it has single theme or keynote idea and a single objective or goal. Thus, a unified theme of content provides psychological continuity throughout the campaign while visual and oral similarity provide physical continuity. In short run, all campaign want pre-determined psychological reaction in the long run, practically all campaigns have sales goal. The series of advertisements used in the campaign must be integrated with the sales promotional efforts and with the activities of the sales force. Campaign vary in length some may run only for a few days, other for weeks, yet other for a season or the entire year. Usually a range of 3 to 6 months includes many campaigns. Many factors influences campaign length such as competitors advertising media, policies, seasonal falls curves of the product involved, the size of the advertising funds, campaign objectives and the nature of the advertisers marketing programme. OBJECTIVES OF CAMPAIGN The advertising campaign, especially those connected with the consumers aims at achieving these objectives : i)  Ã‚  Ã‚  To announce a new product or improve product. ii)  Ã‚  To hold consumers patronage against intensified campaign use. iii)  To inform consumers about a new product use. iv)  To teach consumers how to use product. )  Ã‚  To promote a contest or a premium offer. vi)  To establish a new trade regional, and vii)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To help solve a coca regional problem. The institutional advertising campaign on the other hand, have these objectives. i)  Ã‚  Ã‚  To create a corporate personality or image. ii)  Ã‚  To build a company prestige. iii)  To keep the company name before the public . iv)  To emphasize company services and facilities. v)  Ã‚  To enable company salesman to see top executive consistently when making sales calls, and vi)  To increase friendliness and goodwill towards the company. Developing the campaign programmes. The advertising campaigns are prepared by the advertising agencies, which work an behalf of their clients who manufacture product or service enterprises, which have services to sell. The word campaign is used because advertising agencies approach their task with a sum Blanca of military fanfare in which one frequently hears words like target audience logistics, zero in and tactics and strategy etc. The account executive co-ordinates the work in a campaign. The creation of an advertising campaign starts with an exploration of consumers habits and psychology in relation to the product. This requires the services of statistical trained in survey techniques and of others trained in social psychology. Statisticians select samples for survey which are done by trained interviewers who visits individuals, included in the sample and ask question to find out about their taste and habits. This enquiry often leads to a change in a familiar product. For instance bathing soap may come in several new colours or cigarette in a new packet or talcum powder in another size. Such interviews are often quite essential to find out the appeal of advertising message for a product that would be most effective with consumers. David Ogilvy describes a consumers survey to find out the most meaningful benefit in which women are interested when they buy a face cream. The largest preference as given to Cleans deep into pores followed in order of importance by prevent dryness, is a complete beauty treatment, recommended by skin doctors makes skin look younger contains estrogenic hormones, pasteurized for purity, prevent skin form aging, smooth our wrinkles ogilvy concludes, form this voting come one of Helena Rubinsteins most successful face creams. We christened it deep cleanser, thus, building the winning form into name of the product. After getting the data the account executive puts together the essential elements of his clients brief, interprets the research findings and draws up what he calls the advertising strategy. STAGE IN ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Several steps are required to developed an advertising campaign the number of stages and exact order in which they are carried out may vary according to an organisations resources, the nature of its product and the types of audiences to be reached. The major stages/step are : 1. Identifying and analyzing the advertising. 2. Defining advertising objects. 3. Creating the advertising platform. 4. Determining the advertising appropriation. 5. Selection media plan. 6. Creating the advertising message. 7. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising. 8. Organizing of advertising campaign. 1. Identifying amp; Analyzing the Advertising target : Under this step it is to decided as to whom is the firm trying to reach with   the message. The advertising target is the group of people towards which advertisements are aimed at four this purpose complete information about the market target i. e. the location and geographical location of the people, the distribution of age, income, sex, educational level, and consumers attitudes regarding purchase and use both of the advertising product and competing products is needed with better knowledge of market target, effective advertising campaign can be developed on the other hand, if the advertising target is not properly identified and analyzed the campaign is does likely to be effective. . Determining the advertising objectives : The objectives of advertisement must be specifically and clearly defined in measurable terms such as to communicate specific qualities about a particulars product to gain a certain degree of penetration in a definite audience of a given size during a given period of time, increase sales by a certain percentage or increase the firms market shares.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The goals of advertising may be to : i)  Ã‚  Ã‚  Create a favourable company image by acquainting the public with the services offered available to the employees and its achievements. i)  Ã‚  Create consumers or distributor awareness by encouraging requests providing information about the types of products sold; providing information about the benefits to be gained from use of the companys products or services; and indicating how product (or services) can be used; iii)  Encourage immediate sales by encouraging potential purchasers through special sales contests, getting recommendation of professional people about companys products etc. iv)  Ã‚  It secures action by the reader through associating ideas, repetition of the same name in different contexts, immediate action appeal. . Creating the Advertising platform : An advertising platform consists of the basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wishes to include in the advertising campaign. A single adve rtisement in an advertising campaign may contain one or more issues in the platform. A motorcycle producers advertising platform should contain issues which are of importance to consumers filling and such issues also be those which the competitive product do not posses. 4. Determining the Advertising Appropriation: The advertising appropriation is the total amount of money which   marketer allocates. For advertising for a specific time period. Determining the campaign budget involves estimating now much it will cost to achieve the campaigns objectives. If the campaign objectives are profit relating and stated quantitatively, then the amount of the campaign budget is determined by estimating the proposed campaigns effectiveness in attaining them. If campaigns object is to build a particular type of company image, then there is little basis for predicting either the campaigns effectiveness or determining the budget required. 5. Selecting the Media : Media selection is an important since it costs time space and money various factors influence this selection, the most fundamental being the nature of the target market segment, the type of the product and the cost involved. The distinctive characteristics of various media are also important. Therefore management should focus its attention on media compatibility with advertising objectives. | Media| Form| 1. | Press Advertising or Print|   | i)| Newspapers| City, Small town, Sundays, Daily, weekly, Fortnightly, quarterlies, financial and annuals, English, vernacular or regional languages. ii)| Magazines| General or special, illustrated or otherwise, English, Hindi, Regional language. | iii)| Trade amp; Technical Journals, Industrial year books, commercial, directories, telephone,   Directories, references books amp; annuals. | Circulated all over the country and among the industrialist and business magnates. | 2. | Direct Mail| Circulars, catalogues, leaflets, brochures, booklets , folders, colanders, blotters, diaries amp; other printed material. | 3. | Outdoor or Traffic| Poster and bills on walls, railways stations platforms outside public buildings trains, buses. 4. | Broadcast or radio and T. V. | Spot, Sectional or national trade cost| 5. | Publicity| Movie Slides and films non theatrical and documentary films metal plates and signs attaches to trees. | 6. | House to house| Sampling , couponing, free gifts, novelties, demonst-rations. | 7. | Dealer aids| Counter and widows display   demonstration given by retailer or the advertises goods. | 8. | Internet| Today, Internet is a big spot for advertising. | So these are the media of the advertising campaign of the selecting of the media. 6. Creating the Advertising Messages : This is an important stage of advertising campaign. The contents of the message has to be very carefully drafted in the advertisement. Characteristics of person in the advertising target influence the message content and form. An advertisers must use words, symbols and illustration that are meaningful, familiar and attractive to those persons. The type of media also influence the content and form of the message. 7. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Advertising : The effectiveness of advertising is measured for a variety of reasons : a)  Ã‚  To determine whether a campaign   accomplished its advertising objects. )  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To evaluate the relative effectiveness of several advertisements to ascertain which copy, illustrations or layout is   best. c)  Ã‚  To determine the strengths and weaknesses of various media and media plans. In other words, measuring advertising effectiveness is needed to determine whether proposed advertisement should be used and if they will be no w they might be improved; and whether going campaign should be stopped, continued or changed. In accomplishing these purposes, pretests and post test are conducted. The former tests before exposing target consumers to advertisements and the letter after consumers have been exposed to advertisements and the letter after consumers have been exposed to advertisements. For an effective advertising programme, the advertising manager requires a basic understanding of the medium that is going to carry it. For effectively using advertising the management must test advertising to know which of the advertisement to know which of the advertisement have proved profitable and why as compared to others. - Customer satisfaction From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Customer satisfaction, a term frequently used in  marketing, is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer satisfaction is defined as the number of customers, or percentage of total customers, whose reported experience with a firm, its products, or its services (ratings) exceeds specified satisfaction goals. [1]  In a survey of nearly 200 senior marketing managers, 71 percent responded that they found a customer satisfaction metric very useful in managing and monitoring their businesses. 1] It is seen as a key performance indicator within business and is often part of a  Balanced Scorecard. In a competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy. [2] Within organizations, customer satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. They focus employees on the importance of fulfilling customers’ expectations. Furthermore, when these ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability. . . These metrics quantify an important dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it gains positive word-of-mouth marketing, which is both free and highly effective. [1] Therefore, it is essential for businesses to effectively manage customer satisfaction. To be able do this, firms need reliable and representative measures of satisfaction. In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product or service has met or exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor behind satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the reality falls short, they will be disappointed and will likely rate their experience as less than satisfying. For this reason, a luxury resort, for example, might receive a lower satisfaction rating than a budget motel—even though its facilities and service would be deemed superior in absolute terms. [1] The importance of customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased  bargaining power. For example,  cell phone  plan providers, such as  ATamp;T  and  Verizon, participate in an industry that is an  oligopoly, where only a few suppliers of a certain product or service exist. As such, many cell phone plan contracts have a lot of  fine print  with provisions that they would never get away if there were, say, a hundred cell phone plan providers, because customer satisfaction would be way too low, and customers would easily have the option of leaving for a better contract offer. There is a substantial body of empirical literature that establishes the benefits of customer satisfaction for firms. You can check out the retails shops using this link http://www. sony. co. in/section/retailshops Here is what I found RAJEEV ELETRONICS P. S. 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