Monday, February 17, 2020

Define Marketing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Define Marketing - Research Paper Example This feedback helped them to produce the goods in a new way – incorporating the features in reference to its utility, aesthetics and as per the needs and wants of the customers. The companies who incorporated this philosophy in their production planning process found that their sales are bouncing without any further need to hard sell the product. Sales people gradually became less important for the organization as marketing techniques came into the forefront. A strong marketing perspective virtually needs no sales person; the product sells on its own. Apple is the most glaring example of true marketing philosophy in recent days that has rocked the market. Currently, there is not a single product in the market place where marketing concepts are not employed. Relationship with the customer is built through product and services offered to them. The sales concept aimed at building the relationship through the efforts of sales person. In fact, a strong marketing vision needs to be at the place and the organization with orientation focused on sales only cannot survive in the current market situation. While marketing is so important for an organization; it is obvious that marketing plan is also equally important in an organization because the plan helps implement the marketing perspective of the company in a proper way to achieve desired results that the organization wants to achieve in the given time frame. Marketing plan has many important components such as mission, organizational objectives, SWOT analysis, setting assumptions, marketing objectives and strategies in line with organizational objectives, formulation of strategies, budgeting, and implementation program. The marketing plan has a lot of tactical details that spell out various actions to be taken in a given time frame with clearly defined responsibility on a person or group of persons. At times, marketing planners incorporate a strategic perspective too into the planning

Monday, February 3, 2020

Building construction for the fire service essay 2 (Brannigan &

Building construction for the fire service 2 (Brannigan & Corbett, 2008 - Essay Example In addition, transporting or moving the fire fighting equipment to the building can be a problem as well (Schottke, 2012, p 34). High-rise fire requires huge resource requirement allocation. This is because a balance has to be achieved among a number of factors at play. For instance, achieving a balance between evacuating the occupants from within the building as well as allocating the necessary resources to curb the fire before it grows and destroys the property or causes loss of life. It is important to acknowledge that high-rise building fire fighting requires a huge number of experienced fire fighting personnel’s as well as sophisticated fire fighting equipment that are very expensive. A lot of coordination between the fire fighting personnel’s is also required (Schottke, 2012, p 35). Time is an important factor in fire fighting. The shorter the time of fire evacuation, the better the result and the vice versa. High-rise buildings pose a challenge to get water on target. This is simply due to the height involved, and in addition, a lot of time is lost when coordinating the various steps before the actual fire fighting commences. This increases the impacts of the fire. It is also important to note that the water is applied vertically in most cases and hence reducing its effectiveness (Schottke, 2012, p 35). Fire fighting in high-rise buildings is a dangerous undertaking. It should be carried out by skilled personnel’s and only after careful planning and consultation. The necessary equipments should as well be at play and should be used by specialized